Renan Moreira Madeira, PhD
Graduate Student
Brain and Cognitive Sciences
Building & Room:
BSB 1059
Renan is a first-year Ph.D student at the University of Illinois-Chicago. He is interested exploring how synchronization occurs in groups of musicians and non-musicians. Furthermore, he wants to investigate how musical synchronization takes place in situations where tempo is not stable.
Selected Publications
Madeira, R. M., & dos Santos, R. A. T. (2022). The effects of sensory deprivations during the initial practice of short piano pieces: An experiment with four students at different academic levels. Psychology of Music, 50(1), 280-297. https://doi.org/10.1177/03057356211002242
Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (March 2018 – August 2022)
Doctorate in Music - Interpretive Practices – Piano
Porto Alegre, Brazil
University of Minnesota Twin Cities (December 2019 – June 2020)
Research Internship Minneapolis, MN
Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (March 2015 – September 2017)
Master’s Degree in Music – Interpretive
Practices – Piano
Porto Alegre, Brazil
Federal University of Santa Maria (February 2011 – December 2014)
Bachelor’s Degree in Music – Piano
Santa Maria, Brazil
Selected Presentations
Madeira, R. M., & dos Santos, R. A. T. (2022). The effects of sensory deprivations during the initial practice of short piano pieces: An experiment with four students at different academic levels. Psychology of Music, 50(1), 280-297.
Madeira, R.; Santos, R. (2019). Possibilities for categorizing real and imaginary behaviors during piano practice. Annals of the XIV International Symposium of Cognition and Musical Arts.
Madeira, R.; Santos, R. (2019). Manipulation of auditory and kinesthetic feedback during the initial learning of a piano piece: an experiment with four piano students. Annals of the XXIX Symposium of the National Association for Postgraduate Research in Music.
Madeira, R.; Santos, R. (2018). Mental imagery in the practice with sensory deprivation of four piano students. Annals of the XXVIII Symposium of the National Association for Postgraduate Research in Music.
Madeira, R.; Santos, R. (2017) Deprivations of feedback, stimuli an instrument on the learning of four Schubert dances by a high school piano student: preliminary results of an experiment. Annals of the XIII International Symposium of Cognition and Musical Arts.