Zachary Melton, PhD
Social Psychology, PhD
Social Psychology
Pronouns: He/Him/His
Building & Room:
BSB B125
1007 W Harrison Street
CV Download:
Zach Melton is a recent graduate of the Social and Personality Psychology program at the University of Illinois-Chicago, where he primarily studied how moving together to music drives behavior. More specifically, how people with similar musical identities bond through music and how this process can lead to behaviors that benefit their shared group. Zach also has a passion for statistics, as his work employs techniques such as Recurrence Quantification Analysis, Time-Series, Multilevel Modeling, and occasionally Machine Learning.
Zach is a gigging bass player. He plays with two acts in Nashville, TN: Red Ransom (IG: @redransommusic) and Andy Geels (IG: @andygeels). Both have music available on all streaming platforms.
Zach is now a Quantitative User Experience Researcher at Google via PRO unlimited.
Professional Memberships
Society for Music Perception and Cognition (SMPC)
Society for Personality and Social Psychology (SPSP)